Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Accounting and Financial Reporting 120551-D
Wykład (WYK) Semestr zimowy 2022/23

Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)

Liczba godzin: 30
Limit miejsc: (brak limitu)
Zaliczenie: Ocena
Zakres tematów:

The importance of information and the significance of accounting in the information system of an enterprise. Internal and external tasks of financial accounting.

The needs of accounting information receivers and their influence on the method of preparing the information.

The place of financial statements in the annual report. Quality characteristics of the financial statements. Elements of financial statements.

Balance sheet as a source of information about enterprise's financial position.

The influence of assumed accounting policy on usefulness of enterprise's financial position.

The influence of assumed accounting policy on usefulness of enterprise's financial position.

Income statement as a source of information about results of business activities.

The influence of assumed accounting policy on financial results.

The importance of cash flow statement.

The influence of assumed accounting policy on usefulness of information on cash flow.

The importance of the other elements of financial statements.

Responsibility of managers and board of directors for correct information in financial statements.

Range of information needed to manage the enterprise versus financial accounting. Usefulness of information prepared in financial accounting system to managers.

Financial accounting versus management accounting.

Summary - the role of accounting information system.

Grupy zajęciowe

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Grupa Termin(y) Prowadzący Akcje
1 każdy poniedziałek, 17:10 - 18:50, sala 2B(Laptop)
Mariusz Karwowski szczegóły
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