Business Ethics 222161-S
Wykład (WYK)
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)
Liczba godzin: | 14 |
Limit miejsc: | (brak limitu) |
Zaliczenie: | Ocena |
Zakres tematów: |
Organizational matters; rules of grading, overview of topics, student's presentations choice. Introduction: ethics in business and in economy - What for? For whom? What kind of business ethics - humanistic vs managerial perspective. Justification of humanistic approach: attitudes, other benefits of humanistic education. Is business ethics an ethics? Relationship between business ethics and rules of market oriented activities, ethics of economy and pure ethics. Common area of business ethics and ethics. What are moral obligations? How they rely to the business ethics? Overview of standpoints in ethics and evaluation of their helpfulness for ethics of business: hedonism, eudemonism, utilitarianism. Ethics of duty as a base for business ethics? The history of Business Ethics: Aristotle, A. Smith and E.Kant. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. Religious sources of Ethics in Economy and Business Ethics (Catholic, Protestant tradition, other religions). Status of business ethics codes. Ethics of values by Hartman and Scheler. Values and goods of business and theory of values. Hierarchies of values: power and height indicators and business ethics. Can we codificate any ethics? Benefits, harms and limitations of ethical codes. Chosen issues of ethics of economy. Business responsibilities: global and institutional dimension. Negative and positive globalization. Multispectral ethics of business: Harvard school - American way to the ethics of business; Davos Manifesto, Caux Round Table rules - European way to it. Three level of ethics of business reflection: global, corporate, and personal. Idea of corporate social responsibility and CSV. Business Ethics, Ethics in Economy and Institutional Economics. Philosophy of Economy. Institutions of particular social responsibilities and their market: higher education. The idea of university - how it is changing? Academic life regulators: academic community ethos and institutional culture of HE unit: good practices and procedures of effective management. Conditions for research and teaching independence. How to teach Business Ethics? Role of debates, dialogue, deliberation and discussion. From competitiveness to Economics of Happiness and Well-Being. Ethical aspects of happiness and well-being. Role of the corporations, NGO's and the state. Role of the dialogue. What is the aim of corporate activities? How to assure an ethical dimension of it? Social and deontological responsibility of corporation. Pro-ethical culture. Ethical "minimum" by EBEN, ethical audit, ethical code, codes of good practices. Manager ethics. A responsible manager at a responsible corporation: virtuous leadership. Chances of ethics in globalised world. Crisis in economy and development of pro-ethical approach in business? National and international initiatives to make business more ethical. Debate and dialogue in Business Ethics. Oxford Debate. Debate and dialogue as a goal and as an instrument in building trust and social capital. Summing-up students semester essays, discussion, organizational issues - grades. |
Grupy zajęciowe
Grupa | Termin(y) | Prowadzący | Akcje |
Właścicielem praw autorskich jest Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie.