Logistics Management
Informacje ogólne
Kod przedmiotu: | 220771-S |
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: |
Nazwa przedmiotu: | Logistics Management |
Jednostka: | Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie |
Grupy: |
Przedmioty kierunkowe do wyboru NMMS-EBI Przedmioty obowiązkowe na programie NMMS-ZAR |
Punkty ECTS i inne: |
3.00 (zmienne w czasie)
Język prowadzenia: | angielski |
Efekty uczenia się: |
Wiedza: Knows how to define business logistics, understands its complexity, and its influence on firm's competitive strategy and financial performance. Understands the integrative role of logistics within the firm and supply chain management. Has knowledge about selected managerial decisions taken in the area of customer service, inventory management, warehousing and transportation. Knows some techniques applied in business logistics management. Knows how different logistics models may adopt to different and distinctive strategies such as lean and agile management. Has basic knowledge about the biggest Polish and European LSPs and services offered by them. Knows the differences between 3 PL and 4 PL providers. Is able to present a few international and global best practices in business logistics. Umiejętności: Is able to apply basic business logistics knowledge in practice when e.g. calculating EOQ, ROP, safety stock, etc. or identifying, formulating and solving basic logistics management problems in case study analysis. Is able to analyze trade-offs between different logistics activities (i.e. customer service, inventory management, warehousing and transportation) within the firm as well as with other members of the supply chain. Is able to segment customers and establish customer service level for them. Is able to classify inventory and measure the effectiveness of inventory management. Is able to design a warehouse. Is able to communicate and cooperate in international working groups, taking different positions (i.e. worker, coordinator or leader) and is able to present the results of group work. Kompetencje społeczne: Has capabilities of working in teams and accepts the co-responsibility for the results of group work. Has capabilities of balanced and competent opinion, and fair assessment of the other students' work. Realizes the need of constant self-education and has capabilities to do it by himself/herself. |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr letni 2024/25" (jeszcze nie rozpoczęty)
Okres: | 2025-02-15 - 2025-09-30 |
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 6 godzin
Wykład, 8 godzin
Koordynatorzy: | (brak danych) | |
Prowadzący grup: | (brak danych) | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: |
Przedmiot -
Wykład - Ocena |
Skrócony opis: |
The course covers a range of management concepts, techniques and practices that are used to plan and operate today's logistics systems. |
Pełny opis: |
The general purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the key logistics concepts and the issues affecting the movement and storage of goods. Particular emphasis will be placed on providing a broad and general exposure to business logistics. The course will examine how the various logistics activities are related to each other and other functional areas within a business. Finally, the course strives to develop management and control techniques/skills that are critical in the area of logistics. The course is foundation for further study of logistics management. |
Literatura: |
Literatura podstawowa: 1) M. Cichosz, Logistics Management, OW SGH, Warsaw 2015; 2) D.J. Bowersox et al., Supply Chain Logistics Management, McGraw Hill 2013. 3) Best Practices in Logistics and Supply Supply Chain Management (red. nauk. K. Rutkowski), OW SGH, Warszawa 2009. 4) M. Cichosz, C.M. Wallenburg, and A.M. Knemeyer (2020), Digital transformation at logistics service providers: barriers, success factors and leading practices, "The International Journal of Logistics Management"31(2), 209-238. Literatura uzupełniająca: 1) Harrison, A., & Van Hoek, R. I. (2008). Logistics management and strategy: competing through the supply chain. Pearson Education. 2) Lambert, D. M., Stock, J. R., & Ellram, L. M. (1998). Fundamentals of logistics management. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 3) Knemeyer, A. M., Corsi, T. M., & Murphy, P. R. (2003). Logistics outsourcing relationships: customer perspectives. Journal of Business Logistics, 24(1), 77-109. 4) Cichosz, M., Goldsby, T., Knemeyer, A., Taylor, D. (2017), Innovation in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships - in the search of customer satisfaction, "LogForum" 13(2). 5) Cichosz, M. (2017), Collaborating on green logistics in chemical supply chains: insights from Poland, in: Proceeding of the 17th International Scientific Conference BLMM 2017, Osijek, Croatia, 507-522. 6) Cichosz, M., (2018), Digitalization and Competitiveness in the Logistics Service Industry, "e-mentor" 5 (77), 73-82. 7) Cichosz, M., Pluta-Zaremba, A. (2019), How to improve freight transport emissions? management?, "LogForum" 15(1), 93-105. 8) Cichosz, M. (2021), Logistics Startups and LSPs: Competitors or Partners in Exploration?, [In:] Suchanek, M. (ed.), Modern Research on Transport Systems and Urban Mobility. TranSopot 2019 Conference, Springer International Publishing. 8) The Economics of Sustainable Transformation. (2021), A. Szelągowska, A. Pluta-Zaremba (ed.), Routledge. |
Uwagi: |
Kryteria oceniania: egzamin tradycyjny-pisemny: 60.00% referaty/eseje: 20.00% ocena z ćwiczeń: 20.00% |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2024/25" (w trakcie)
Okres: | 2024-10-01 - 2025-02-14 |
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 6 godzin
Wykład, 8 godzin
Koordynatorzy: | (brak danych) | |
Prowadzący grup: | (brak danych) | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: |
Przedmiot -
Wykład - Ocena |
Skrócony opis: |
The course covers a range of management concepts, techniques and practices that are used to plan and operate today's logistics systems. |
Pełny opis: |
The general purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the key logistics concepts and the issues affecting the movement and storage of goods. Particular emphasis will be placed on providing a broad and general exposure to business logistics. The course will examine how the various logistics activities are related to each other and other functional areas within a business. Finally, the course strives to develop management and control techniques/skills that are critical in the area of logistics. The course is foundation for further study of logistics management. |
Literatura: |
Literatura podstawowa: 1) M. Cichosz, Logistics Management, OW SGH, Warsaw 2015; 2) D.J. Bowersox et al., Supply Chain Logistics Management, McGraw Hill 2013. 3) Best Practices in Logistics and Supply Supply Chain Management (red. nauk. K. Rutkowski), OW SGH, Warszawa 2009. 4) M. Cichosz, C.M. Wallenburg, and A.M. Knemeyer (2020), Digital transformation at logistics service providers: barriers, success factors and leading practices, "The International Journal of Logistics Management"31(2), 209-238. Literatura uzupełniająca: 1) Harrison, A., & Van Hoek, R. I. (2008). Logistics management and strategy: competing through the supply chain. Pearson Education. 2) Lambert, D. M., Stock, J. R., & Ellram, L. M. (1998). Fundamentals of logistics management. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 3) Knemeyer, A. M., Corsi, T. M., & Murphy, P. R. (2003). Logistics outsourcing relationships: customer perspectives. Journal of Business Logistics, 24(1), 77-109. 4) Cichosz, M., Goldsby, T., Knemeyer, A., Taylor, D. (2017), Innovation in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships - in the search of customer satisfaction, "LogForum" 13(2). 5) Cichosz, M. (2017), Collaborating on green logistics in chemical supply chains: insights from Poland, in: Proceeding of the 17th International Scientific Conference BLMM 2017, Osijek, Croatia, 507-522. 6) Cichosz, M., (2018), Digitalization and Competitiveness in the Logistics Service Industry, "e-mentor" 5 (77), 73-82. 7) Cichosz, M., Pluta-Zaremba, A. (2019), How to improve freight transport emissions? management?, "LogForum" 15(1), 93-105. 8) Cichosz, M. (2021), Logistics Startups and LSPs: Competitors or Partners in Exploration?, [In:] Suchanek, M. (ed.), Modern Research on Transport Systems and Urban Mobility. TranSopot 2019 Conference, Springer International Publishing. 8) The Economics of Sustainable Transformation. (2021), A. Szelągowska, A. Pluta-Zaremba (ed.), Routledge. |
Uwagi: |
Kryteria oceniania: egzamin tradycyjny-pisemny: 60.00% referaty/eseje: 20.00% ocena z ćwiczeń: 20.00% |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr letni 2023/24" (zakończony)
Okres: | 2024-02-24 - 2024-09-30 |
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 6 godzin
Wykład, 8 godzin
Koordynatorzy: | (brak danych) | |
Prowadzący grup: | (brak danych) | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: |
Przedmiot -
Wykład - Ocena |
Skrócony opis: |
The course covers a range of management concepts, techniques and practices that are used to plan and operate today's logistics systems. |
Pełny opis: |
The general purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the key logistics concepts and the issues affecting the movement and storage of goods. Particular emphasis will be placed on providing a broad and general exposure to business logistics. The course will examine how the various logistics activities are related to each other and other functional areas within a business. Finally, the course strives to develop management and control techniques/skills that are critical in the area of logistics. The course is foundation for further study of logistics management. |
Literatura: |
Literatura podstawowa: 1) M. Cichosz, Logistics Management, OW SGH, Warsaw 2015; 2) D.J. Bowersox et al., Supply Chain Logistics Management, McGraw Hill 2013. 3) Best Practices in Logistics and Supply Supply Chain Management (red. nauk. K. Rutkowski), OW SGH, Warszawa 2009. 4) M. Cichosz, C.M. Wallenburg, and A.M. Knemeyer (2020), Digital transformation at logistics service providers: barriers, success factors and leading practices, "The International Journal of Logistics Management"31(2), 209-238. Literatura uzupełniająca: 1) Harrison, A., & Van Hoek, R. I. (2008). Logistics management and strategy: competing through the supply chain. Pearson Education. 2) Lambert, D. M., Stock, J. R., & Ellram, L. M. (1998). Fundamentals of logistics management. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 3) Knemeyer, A. M., Corsi, T. M., & Murphy, P. R. (2003). Logistics outsourcing relationships: customer perspectives. Journal of Business Logistics, 24(1), 77-109. 4) Cichosz, M., Goldsby, T., Knemeyer, A., Taylor, D. (2017), Innovation in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships - in the search of customer satisfaction, "LogForum" 13(2). 5) Cichosz, M. (2017), Collaborating on green logistics in chemical supply chains: insights from Poland, in: Proceeding of the 17th International Scientific Conference BLMM 2017, Osijek, Croatia, 507-522. 6) Cichosz, M., (2018), Digitalization and Competitiveness in the Logistics Service Industry, "e-mentor" 5 (77), 73-82. 7) Cichosz, M., Pluta-Zaremba, A. (2019), How to improve freight transport emissions? management?, "LogForum" 15(1), 93-105. 8) Cichosz, M. (2021), Logistics Startups and LSPs: Competitors or Partners in Exploration?, [In:] Suchanek, M. (ed.), Modern Research on Transport Systems and Urban Mobility. TranSopot 2019 Conference, Springer International Publishing. 8) The Economics of Sustainable Transformation. (2021), A. Szelągowska, A. Pluta-Zaremba (ed.), Routledge. |
Uwagi: |
Kryteria oceniania: egzamin tradycyjny-pisemny: 60.00% referaty/eseje: 20.00% ocena z ćwiczeń: 20.00% |
Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2023/24" (zakończony)
Okres: | 2023-10-01 - 2024-02-23 |
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: |
Ćwiczenia, 6 godzin
Wykład, 8 godzin
Koordynatorzy: | (brak danych) | |
Prowadzący grup: | (brak danych) | |
Lista studentów: | (nie masz dostępu) | |
Zaliczenie: |
Przedmiot -
Wykład - Ocena |
Skrócony opis: |
The course covers a range of management concepts, techniques and practices that are used to plan and operate today's logistics systems. |
Pełny opis: |
The general purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the key logistics concepts and the issues affecting the movement and storage of goods. Particular emphasis will be placed on providing a broad and general exposure to business logistics. The course will examine how the various logistics activities are related to each other and other functional areas within a business. Finally, the course strives to develop management and control techniques/skills that are critical in the area of logistics. The course is foundation for further study of logistics management. |
Literatura: |
Literatura podstawowa: 1) M. Cichosz, Logistics Management, OW SGH, Warsaw 2015; 2) D.J. Bowersox et al., Supply Chain Logistics Management, McGraw Hill 2013. 3) Best Practices in Logistics and Supply Supply Chain Management (red. nauk. K. Rutkowski), OW SGH, Warszawa 2009. 4) M. Cichosz, C.M. Wallenburg, and A.M. Knemeyer (2020), Digital transformation at logistics service providers: barriers, success factors and leading practices, "The International Journal of Logistics Management"31(2), 209-238. Literatura uzupełniająca: 1) Harrison, A., & Van Hoek, R. I. (2008). Logistics management and strategy: competing through the supply chain. Pearson Education. 2) Lambert, D. M., Stock, J. R., & Ellram, L. M. (1998). Fundamentals of logistics management. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 3) Knemeyer, A. M., Corsi, T. M., & Murphy, P. R. (2003). Logistics outsourcing relationships: customer perspectives. Journal of Business Logistics, 24(1), 77-109. 4) Cichosz, M., Goldsby, T., Knemeyer, A., Taylor, D. (2017), Innovation in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships - in the search of customer satisfaction, "LogForum" 13(2). 5) Cichosz, M. (2017), Collaborating on green logistics in chemical supply chains: insights from Poland, in: Proceeding of the 17th International Scientific Conference BLMM 2017, Osijek, Croatia, 507-522. 6) Cichosz, M., (2018), Digitalization and Competitiveness in the Logistics Service Industry, "e-mentor" 5 (77), 73-82. 7) Cichosz, M., Pluta-Zaremba, A. (2019), How to improve freight transport emissions? management?, "LogForum" 15(1), 93-105. 8) Cichosz, M. (2021), Logistics Startups and LSPs: Competitors or Partners in Exploration?, [In:] Suchanek, M. (ed.), Modern Research on Transport Systems and Urban Mobility. TranSopot 2019 Conference, Springer International Publishing. 8) The Economics of Sustainable Transformation. (2021), A. Szelągowska, A. Pluta-Zaremba (ed.), Routledge. |
Uwagi: |
Kryteria oceniania: egzamin tradycyjny-pisemny: 60.00% referaty/eseje: 20.00% ocena z ćwiczeń: 20.00% |
Właścicielem praw autorskich jest Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie.