Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Accountant in Business (ACCA) 234401-D
Wykład (WYK) Semestr letni 2020/21

Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)

Liczba godzin: 6
Limit miejsc: (brak limitu)
Zaliczenie: Ocena
Zakres tematów:

Economic laws within a market economy (in the area of micro- and macroeconomics). GNP, monetary and fiscal policy, international trade. Formulating a company's strategic and operating goals.

The practical utilization of the knowledge of economics and management in a modern business environment. Decision making processes. Organisational structure of a company.

The importance of a professional approach in the area of finance and internal control for a company's organisational cultural development and strategic planning.

Managing a team.

Control function as a specific management function.

Management control system including risk management, organizational culture, approach and social responsibility in a company (CSR), pressure groups and stakeholders, technological progress.

Internal control (functions, areas) and internal audit systems vs. quality of accounting records and financial statements.

Grupy zajęciowe

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Grupa Termin(y) Prowadzący Akcje
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