Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

International Business Environment (IB) 221671-D
Konwersatorium (KON) Semestr zimowy 2019/20

Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)

Liczba godzin: 10
Limit miejsc: (brak limitu)
Zakres tematów:

Module I: Legal systems - an overview of major differences. Transactions in international business.

Sources of international trade law. Major conventions, lex mercatoria. The role of international organizations for the development of international law.

Non-discrimination as the basic rule of international trade, its practical application and exceptions. Other rules of international trade in goods.

Rules on intellectual property protection in the international trade. Concept of fair competition. Rules of protection against unfair competition.

Protection against unfair commercial practices. Competition policy. Prohibition against agreements restricting competition. Prohibition against abuse of dominant market position. Merger control regulation.

Module II: Definitions of culture and international business. Internationalization of companies. Cultural environment of international business. Levels, types, elements and models of culture. Related terms. Selected classifications of national and business cultures.

Cultural zones, regional cultural factors. Cultural factors and international marketing. Intercultural marketing. Cultural zones, regional cultural factors. Cultural factors and international marketing. Intercultural marketing - continued. Cultural factors in consumer behavior.

Country of origin effect. Consumer ethnocentrism. Cultural stereotypes. Cross-cultural market research. Communication in international business. Negotiations in international business.

Psychic and cultural distance in international business. Organizational culture and national culture. Definitions, types and functions of organizational culture. Managing multicultural teams.

Cultural dilemmas in international business. International cultural trends.

Module III: Internet and mobile technology as important factors creating the New Economy in the era of information society - digital economy according to P. Kotler an concept of Marketing 3.0. Characteristics of information society and virtual societies. Influence of new information technologies on the competitiveness of companies - analysis using the concept of market forces created by M. Porter.

Contemporary marketing as a combination of offline marketing, online marketing and mobile marketing. Legal conditions of new information technologies. Characteristics of the Internet users and their segmentation.

Use of the Internet in marketing research. Internet and product and price decisions of companies. Internet and distribution decisions - e-commerce - disintermediation and reintermediation - multichannel trade.

Internet as a medium in promotion activities - advertising, public relations, sales promotion, sponsoring and product placement. Media convergency, smart tv and multiscreening as new trends influencing promotional activities of companies. Concept of mobile marketing and factors influencing its development.

Mobile marketing tools. Mobile technology and product, price, distribution and promotional decisions. Mobile technology in different sectors - banking, tourism, local government and sport.

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