Tourism as an economic phenomenon; scope and structure of the tourism market; tourism as a component of international trade in services; measures of the volume of demand and supply in the tourism market
Economic and socio-demographic factors shaping demand in the global tourism market; major issue markets
Economic and environmental factors shaping supply in the tourism market; major tourist destinations and their evolution geographically
New technologies in tourism (AR, AI, communication bots, etc.)
Concepts of sustainable tourism development, tourism development vs Sustainable Development Goals. Barriers to tourism development.
Concepts of competitiveness in the tourism market. Selected methods of assessing competitiveness of destinations.
Contemporary health tourism - trends, forms, directions
Spa tourism: organisation of spa tourism activities; treatment profiles and characteristics of statutory spas in Poland; new services in spas and hotel facilities
Wellness & spa: history and concepts relating to the area of wellness & spa; forms of wellness & spa
Service areas of wellness & spa products: types and types of wellness & spa facilities; wellness & spa centres in Poland; minimum standards for wellness & spa hotels
Cultural tourism: culture in anthropological and economic terms, cultural tourism assets
Cultural tourism: protection of cultural assets, role of international organisations (UNESCO, ICOMOS).
Business tourism: meetings industry, MICE, specific features of business tourism
Business tourism: activities of convention bureaux, business tourism and economic development, ROI issues in incentive tourism
Medical tourism: definition, terminology in the area of medical tourism; factors influencing the development of medical tourism; the medical tourism market; the risks associated with medical tourism. Position of Polish medical tourism on emission markets.