Topics to be covered:
Capital expenditure and investment: appraisal of domestic and international capital investment opportunities for profit and non-profit making organizations; use of appropriate investment appraisal methods.
Cost of capital: the cost of equity (CAPM and dividend growth model), the cost of debt, the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), the impact of varying capital structures on the cost of capital, adjusted NPV (APV), portfolio theory and CAPM and their value to managers, options embedded in investments.
Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Risk: hedging risk; future markets and contracts; options and pricing of options; swaps; forward rate agreements (FRAs); financial engineering.
Mergers and Acquisitions.
Corporate Re-organisation - Divestments,management buy-outs and buy-ins.
Capital Reconstruction Schemes.
Going Private and Share Repurchase.
The global economic environment - multinational companies and trends in global competition; the international financial system; international operations- forms of entity that are available for international operations, including the relative merits of branch, subsidiary, joint venture, and licensing; foreign direct investment; international capital budgeting- CAPM, APV used in international investment appraisal; the international capital structure decision; political risk; International capital markets; international banking.
Financial control within a multinational group of companies - the Treasury acting as a cost centre or profit centre and the arguments for the centralisation versus decentralisation of international treasury activities.
International cash management - international cash transfer mechanisms; short term investment opportunities; benefits of centralised depositories and international holding companies; how multilateral netting might be of benefit to multinationals.
Multinational capital budgeting (including determination of the costs of capital and project evaluation in an international environment); performance evaluation and control of a foreign subsidiary; the international debt crisis; debt-equity swaps, capital flight; debt forgiveness; international portfolio management; new instruments of international finance; political risk management; managing in a hyperinflationary country.
International transfer pricing.