Changes in the purpose and function of accounting in the information system in order to support decisions of various interested parties in the light of the global convergence of accounting standards.
Applying the entity concept and the "balance method" in the light of going concern, accrual concept and true and fair view.
Building up the financial statements resulting from the measurement and documentation of economic processes in a company in accordance with the appropriate accounting regulations (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement).
The rules for maintaining accounting records in order to record the business operations (source documents - their characteristics and control, the system of accounts - balance sheet, income statement, and off-balance sheet reporting as well as the elements of bookkeeping records).
Interpretation of commercial substance of business operations and their recording, including correction of errors.
Business operations influencing profit or loss, their categories and extent of detail required in the records for the preparation of the income statement as well as management accounts.
IT systems supporting the accounting function and their documentation.
Verification of state and the basis for the valuation of assets and liabilities using various methods of measurement.
Recognition of tangible and intangible non current assets and their depreciation.
Accounting treatment and presentation of provisions, contingent assets and liabilities.
Changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and correction of errors.
Analysis and interpretation of financial statements.
Elements of internal control in the areas of accounting, ethical rules and responsibility.