Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Mathematics 110491-D
Ćwiczenia (CW) Semestr zimowy 2022/23

Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)

Liczba godzin: 45
Limit miejsc: (brak limitu)
Zakres tematów:

Numerical sequences - properties, limits. Convergent and divergent sequences. Squeeze theorem, convergence

of a bounded monotone sequence, Euler number, indeterminate forms.

General properties of functions - injections, surjections, bijections, inverse function. Superposition of functions, images and preimages.

Limit of a function. Continuity of a function, horizontal, vertical and slant asymptotes.

First derivative of a function and its applications - monotonicity of a function, elasticity of a function. Tangent line and linear approximation of a function.

De l'Hospital rule, local and global extrema of a function.

Second derivative of a function and its applications - convexity and concavity of a function, inflection points, sketching graphs of functions.

Bivariate functions - domain, contour lines, partial derivatives of the first order, partial elasticities.

Partial derivatives of the second order, local extrema (unconstrained and with one constraint).

Indefinite integral, rules of integrating.

Definite integral and its geometric meaning. Improper integral.

Vector space R^n. Parametric equation of a line, equation of a plane in three dimensional space.

Linear combination and linear independence of vectors.

Matrix - definition and properties, matrices of linear transformations. Matrix algebra, rank of a matrix,

non-singular and singular matrices, inverse matrix.

Determinant of a square matrix. Cofactor matrix. Calculating inverse matrix by adjugate matrix.

Matrix determinant and rank.

Elementary row operations, calculating the rank of a matrix and an inverse matrix by elementary row operations.

Systems of linear equations.

Solving linear systems by elementary row operations. Kronecker-Capelli theorem. General solutions. Basis solutions. Cramer's rule.

Complementary classes/repetition.

Optionally - multivariable functions, partial derivatives of the first and second order, gradient, tangent hyperplane,

linear approximation, sufficient condition of existence of a local extremum.

Grupy zajęciowe

zobacz na planie zajęć

Grupa Termin(y) Prowadzący Akcje
11 każdy piątek, 11:40 - 14:15, sala 115
Paweł Zawiślak, Maria Ekes szczegóły
12 każdy piątek, 14:25 - 17:00, sala 115
Paweł Zawiślak, Maria Ekes szczegóły
13 każdy piątek, 11:40 - 14:15, sala 217
Adam Chudziak szczegóły
14 każdy piątek, 14:25 - 17:00, sala 217
Adam Chudziak szczegóły
21 każdy piątek, 14:25 - 17:00, sala 218
Joanna Franaszek szczegóły
22 każdy piątek, 11:40 - 14:15, sala 8
Marek Kwas szczegóły
23 każdy piątek, 14:25 - 17:00, sala 8
Marek Kwas szczegóły
24 każdy piątek, 11:40 - 14:15, sala 117
Rafał Łochowski szczegóły
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