Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

European Union Policies I 121371-S
Wykład (WYK) Semestr zimowy 2019/20

Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)

Liczba godzin: 14
Limit miejsc: (brak limitu)
Zaliczenie: Ocena
Zakres tematów:

EU Common Policies: their essence, legal basis, distribution of competences between the EU and its Member States, process of decision-making, ways and means of achieving national interests.

The customs union: essence, principles of functioning, common customs tariff and TARIC; effects of EU customs union on participating members, third countries and acceding countries (trade diversion and creation effects, dynamic effects, case of Poland).

Common commercial policy (CCP): objectives, rules, evolution, legal basis of relations with main trading partners; effects of EU negotiating free trade agreements on producers, consumers and on competitiveness of EU economy (changes of directions of imports and exports, rules of origin), compatibility of those agreements with GATT/WTO.

Tariff instruments of CCP: changes of the level of customs duties and importance for the protection of the EU market.

Non-tariff instruments of CCP: essence of dumping and antidumping; rules and procedure of antidumping proceedings, effects on the economies of EU Members and on third countries.

Non-tariff instruments of CCP: actionable and prohibited subsidies, rules and procedure of countervailing proceedings, effects on the economies of EU Members and on third countries.

Measures against excessive imports and other non-tariff instruments of EU CCP.

Common agricultural policy (CAP): reasons, objectives, rules, position of agriculture in the economies of EU Members.

Evolution of CAP and CAP instruments: from price support to support of agricultural incomes and of rural areas development.

Effects of common agricultural policy on Member States and on third partners; CAP and rules of world trade (GATT/WTO).

Poland's agriculture and rural areas and CAP (scope of price support, direct payments in Poland, accompanying measures, structural funds for agri-food sector, rural areas and for fisheries sector).

Cohesion policy: reasons, objectives, rules, scope of socio-economic disparities in the EU.

Instruments of the cohesion policy and their evolution.

Effects of the cohesion policy implementation: mechanisms and actual results, scope and pace of socio-economic convergence in the EU.

Implementation of the cohesion policy in Poland (structural funds and Cohesion Fund, Poland's ability to absorb the EU support, results).

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